A Loose Tally.

EIF Poetry Challenge #11: The Results

A wonderful surprise (& delight!) to find my free verse piece, A Loose Tally, being chosen in the latest EIF challenge! Many thanks to Liyona & the folks at Experiments In Fiction. xo

A Loose Tally.

“I have the rent until Valentine’s.”
Something in the way you said this made me smile,
made me wonder if two months was a heartbeat or forever.

You sat with one leg beneath the other on the kitchen counter,
the moon on your unbuttoned wrist and the patient rain running
(oh, should I say like tears?) behind you in the skylight, and I began,

just quietly – so as not to unsettle anything – to make a loose tally
of the opening and closing of this front door and of the teabags in the jar,
of our sweet silences and, of your words, I made penciled treasures and promises.

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